Wednesday, August 15, 2012



Next to monkeys, birds have been one of my favorite animals to capture. However, never before have I had the opportunity to capture Hummingbirds in the wild. This morning, after coming off a few flights to Seattle then LA, I stopped by to see some family. As we walked through their awesome garden of organic fruits and vegetables, I heard an unusual 'humming' sound. Looking up into the trees, I saw my first Hummingbird. Ecstatic and in disbelief, I ran to grab Tamra (the camera) and Taylor (my white angel lens). Through an hour of standing in the garden, I took 19 frames. Hummingbirds are ridiculously difficult little things to photograph and it seemed as if they were playing 'Cops and Robbers' - a grade-school favorite. Nonetheless, I was able to score a few lucky shots that made my day. Definitely much more difficult than photographing waves!

*Hummingbirds can beat their wings up to 80 times per second!*

- Trying to figure me out while taking a breather from their game of tag - 

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